Over the past year I've made it a practice to smudge my healing space every morning and to do the same when it feels like my energy field needs to be cleared of any unwanted vibes. Sage bundles are quite popular. I use a smudging mixture that contains cedar, sweetgrass and tobacco, but it's mostly made up of Sage. I'm honored to present this sacred plant, Salvia apiana, as our plant medicine card during this January new moon.
dried sage bundle
To emphasize the lunar connection, the creator of my Herbal Astrology Oracle deck, Adriana Ayales, includes this card in the category of plants that are ruled by the moon. It's easy to get lost in such a beautiful card! I love the mystical, otherworldly atmosphere she creates with deep shades of blue, grey and amethyst that encircle the subdued green of the Sage leaves. Two people in ceremonial space direct the smoke of a large, burning sage plant up toward a luminous moon. The participants are presented in both offering and receiving poses, suggesting a balanced exchange of energy.
In quantum science terms, Ayales tells us "Sage is a vibrationally powerful plant that deeply influences the electromanetic field. The moon houses our intuition and emotions, and Lunar herbs greatly affect the tides of our subconscious mind, our emotions and psyche."
I have always associated this plant with sweat lodge and other sacred practices of various Native North and South American tribes, but its use extends to other cultures and dates back centuries. The ancient Egyptians used it as one of many herbs to embalm their deceased and assist them on their way to the afterlife. The Romans also considered Sage to be a holy plant, and, as our guidebook says, they used a special knife when collecting its leaves and stems.

Sage has other, more common, everyday uses such as an antibacterial agent in oral care, and it's well known among culinary experts as a seasoning for meats, vegetables and poultry stuffing. I have also read that as an herbal medicine, it has the potential to help balance hormone and blood sugar levels and support brain health by improving concentration.

The muted shade of sage green is a popular color and one of my personal favorites. As I look around my home, it shows up everywhere from pillows to plants to pottery. Here's a print from interdisciplinary artist Julia O. Bianco that I was fortunate enough to find and add to my healing room as it features Sage surrounded by lively, vibrant colors→
The botanical name of this plant comes from the Latin salvus, meaning "healthy. But it's also a word that's widely known and used to indicate wisdom. I did some research for specific definitions and found "sage" defined as "proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment" and "wise through reflection and experience." Then there are the offshoots of this, like "sagacious" and "sagacity."
A "sage" individual is described as "a mature or venerable person of sound judgment." Taking this a step further, we can substitute "person" with "spirit guide" or "plant spirit." Recently, I've had some concerns about a seriously ill family member and decided it would be beneficial to work with the spirit of Sage to ask for guidance on how to cope with the situation personally. This is another way that plants can spiritually assist us with our everyday challenges.
Over the years I've made repeated attempts to include varieties of Sage in my herb garden with the intention of harvesting and drying my own. Unfortunately, it never seems to thrive for very long. I'm not sure if it's me, my gardening skills or the Arizona climate, but this question is best left to explore in a future meditation.
For now, I invite you to join me in expressing gratitude for the many gifts this plant blesses us with as both a physical and a spiritual healer.
As always, thanks for letting me share my thoughts and journey with you. I welcome your input, so if you want to submit a comment, scroll down to the bottom of this post. If you are interested in booking a personal session, you can do this here:
You can also contact me via email at: my.plant.allies@gmail.com
For now, here's wishing you wellness, wisdom and bloomin' vibes!
